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Dear Colleague,
We are pleased to invite you to the Third Latin American Bacteriophage Conference – PHAGE OPTION 2024, which will take place from December 4th to 6th, 2024 at the University of Los Andes, Caribbean Campus, in Cartagena, Colombia.
PHAGE OPTION’s vision is to become a leading regional conference for exchanging knowledge and fostering collaboration among researchers, professionals, and students passionate about phage applications in human, animal, and plant health. We envision a platform for open dialogue and active participation among phage researchers, industry leaders, and the medical field alike. Our collective goal is to strengthen regional ties, empower local researchers, and remain at the forefront of global advances in phage research.

Objectives of the conference

1.Underline the impact of antimicrobial resistance in Latin America as a driving factor for the development and implementation of phage technology.
2.Connect local researchers with global experts to advance knowledge about bacteriophages.
3.Provide a comprehensive platform for the dissemination and discussion of advancements in bacteriophage therapy, including new technologies and applications, among researchers and professionals from different fields.
4.Promote knowledge and technology transfer among industry, researchers, and professionals from different disciplines.


Influential Voices at the Forefront of Human, Animal, and Plant Health:

Dr. Alexander “Sandro” Sulakvelidze

President and CEO Intralytix, Inc.

Dr. Sofia Corte-Real

CSO and Deputy CEO Technophage

Dr. Martha Vives

Departamento de Ciencias Biológicas, Universidad de los Andes

Juan Camilo Farfán, MSc, PhD cand.

Departamento de Ciencias Biológicas, Universidad de los Andes

Dr. Frenk Smrekar


Dr. Jessica Sacher

Staff Scientist, Bollyky Lab, Stanford University

Dr. Krystyna Dąbrowska

Phage Molecular Biology Lab, Institute of Immunology and Experimental Therapy, Polish Academy of Sciences

Dr. Mariana Piuri

Investigadora Independiente de CONICET. Profesora Asociada, Departamento de Química Biológica, FCEN, UBA

Dr. Sandra Morales

Managing director of Phage Consulting Pty Ltd

Dr. Pilar Donado

Investigadora Ph.D. Corporación Colombiana de Investigación Agropecuaria AGROSAVIA

Dr. Alejandro Reyes

Departamento de Ciencias Biológicas, Universidad de los Andes

Dr. Viviana Clavijo

Gerente Sciphage S.A.S.

Dr. Juan Pablo Londoño

Microbiólogo. Médico infectólogo pediatra
Clínica Infantil Colsubsidio
Hospital Universitario Mayor Méderi

Dr. Mikeljon Nikolich

Dr. Mikeljon Nikolich

Chief of the Bacteriophage Therapeutics group in the Wound Infections Department
Bacterial Diseases Branch, at the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research (WRAIR)

Dr, Bob Blasdel

Dr. Bob Blasdel

Deputy CSO 
Vésale Bioscience

Dr. Graham F. Hatfull

Dr. Graham F. Hatfull

University of Pittsburgh

Dr. Judy Natalia Jiménez Quiceno

Universidad de Antioquia


  1. History and fundamentals of phage therapy.
  2. Technologies and applications of phage therapy.
  3. New Technologies in Phage Therapy: Artificial Intelligence.
  4. Phage therapy for respiratory diseases.
  5. Immunology and microbiota: intertwined with phage therapy.
  6. Production and Applications in Agriculture and Food Safety.
  7. Bacteriophages in Animal Health and Regulations.
  8. Genomics and metagenomics of bacteriophages.
  9. Bacteriophage Biology



In addition to the captivating scientific program, Cartagena offers a vibrant cultural atmosphere and stunning landscapes, ensuring a memorable experience for all participants. We are committed to providing a welcoming and supportive environment for networking, forging new collaborations, and advancing bacteriophage research in Latin America and beyond.


December 4-6, 2024

Uniandes Sede Caribe

Cartagena de Indias, Colombia.

Cartagena, Colombia
Cartagena, Colombia
Cartagena, Colombia
Cartagena, Colombia
Cartagena, Colombia

¿How to participate? 

Register your work in either oral presentation or poster format, and secure your spot at Phage Option 2024! Don't miss the opportunity to stand out and be part of the forefront in bacteriophage research!
If you are submitting your work as a poster or oral presentation, make sure to stay updated with the news on the website and the email you provide.
Pay the registration fee: 
Join us to learn, share, and connect with the global community of bacteriophage researchers! We look forward to having you at PHAGE OPTION 2024!


Cartagena Holiday Inn Morros

Cartagena Holiday Inn Morros

Cartagena Holiday Inn Morros
Radisson Ocean Pavillion

Radisson Ocean Pavillion

Radisson Ocean Pavillion
To access the special event rate, please contact Olga Patricia Herrera, Commercial Executive. +57(310) 363 66 94 Email: Esta dirección de correo electrónico está siendo protegida contra los robots de spam. Necesita tener JavaScript habilitado para poder verlo.

